Bad Moms of Comedy. Saturday, November 18, 2023 7:30 p.m.
Meet the Bad Momz of Comedy - the all mom comedy group bringing laughs to Chicagoland
Orly K.G. was recently seen on the Kelly Clarkson Show on NBC - she continues to hustle her way into the Chicago Comedy
scene with her antics about marriage, shame eating and her constantly decaying body. She has appeared at Chicago's
Comedy Bar, Laugh Factory, The Lincoln Lodge, Annoyance Theater, Bughouse Theater, and her weekly open mic:
"Guinness & Giggles" at Chief O'Neill's. She also produces Bad Momz for Chicago area school groups.
Sofia Javed is a Chicago-based comedian and writer based in Chicago. Her comedy is inspired by her life as a
brown woman in America and her former career as a cubicle bureaucrat. Sofia performs around Chicago and
at top venues in Washington D.C. including the DC Improv and the DC Comedy Loft. She has been featured in
The Washington Post and she appears in two footnotes on Wikipedia.
Avril Grant is a die-hard Bears fan born and raised in the city of Chicago. She has performed at the Lincoln
Lodge in Chicago, The Laughing Academy, Standup Logan Square and Big Break Comedy. In high school she
was voted "most likely to become a Bad Mom" so she fits right in with this tribe. Still adjusting to life as a recent
empty nester, but definitely enjoying the silence.
Lindsay Porter has done stand-up at Zanies, The Comedy Shrine, The Laugh Factory, Lincoln Lodge,
Chicago Women's Funny Fest, Waukegan Comedy Jam, Lady Laughs Comedy in Madison, Funnier by
the Lake, Oak Park Comedy Club and in line at Trader Joes. Lindsay is one of the original Bad Momz of
Comedy, having been in the inaugural show in Glenview. She would like to give a shout out to Orly KG
for starting the Bad Momz and for being fabulous.
Laura Hugg is a graduate of Second City Conservatory. With plenty of sketch improv and storytelling under
her belt, the last decade plus, Laura's focus has been standup comedy. Laura has performed at such clubs as
Zanies, Laugh Factory, and Caroline's in NYC. She has co-produced several successful showcases and long
running open mics. Currently Laura produces and hosts a comedy variety show, "Keep Coming Back" Inspired
by the pandemic, performers do material about how they got through different things. Laura also co-produces
two Chicagoland stand up showcases. "Laughs on a Hot Tin Roof" and "Comedy of MadCats".